Ask anyone about their earliest pub memories & they go all dreamy. They'll recall the smell as they walked in, the clink of the glasses as the barman loaded the washer, the cost of the drinks which is always a WOW! to a teenager. They'll remember pretending they were an expert on all things beer, cider or the ubiquitous "snake bite". They probably didn't even like the taste at first (although they'd never have admitted it), but those early experiences are etched as deep on their minds as any behind the bike-shed experience.
Then, when they met their current partner where did they go for those early nights out? Where did they get introduced to his or her best mates? Where did they go to celebrate after their engagement, or to toast the arrival of the first born? Where did they go with their Dad when he wore his "best" jumper to drink to his retirement, and/or their Mum when she "just put a bit of lippy on" to celebrate her birthday?
And where else can they chat with old Ted, who once took 6 for 11 for the local team? Or Brian who still holds the record for 37 goals in a season which he did in the league & cup winning team of 1978? Not just chat either, buy the old fellas a beer, paying them some respect too.
See, pubs teach us about life. They matter.
Reopening on 12th April.....
#theoldestpub #12thApril #reopening #pilgrims